Getting Started

For individuals, it’s a great way to ensure you get every last tax credit to which you are entitled — and that you don’t make a mistake that could lead to a fine or penalty. If you’re a small business owner and you want to remain (or become) successful, you need to hire a tax professional sooner rather than later.

Product plans and their available features
How would you like to be served? From Home In Office Drop off
How do you want to start? Work with your tax pro without leaving home Work with your tax face-to-face Drop off docs at an office, with an optional in-person 15 min. consult
What matters the most? Saving time and not having to visit an office Face-to-face time with your tax pro Appointment-free tax prep
Where do you want to work with your tax pro? As needed from home on any device At a local RBA Tax Office in Lyman SC In an office and virtual, as needed
Want an appointment? Only as needed and from home Yes, Appointment Only if you want to talk with your tax pro
What works for sharing docs? Take a pic and send it via Client Portal Bring them with you or take a pic and send it via Client Portal Drop off at the front desk or send them virtually via Client Portal
Where do you want to file? Let your tax pro work, and approve virtually or in the office Wrap up in the office with your tax pro or approve virtually later Let your tax pro work, and approve virtually or in the office
Drop Off Location- 200 Inman Rd Lyman SC 29365
Hours Monday -Friday 9:30 am -5:00 pm
Shayla The Tax Fairy Shayla The Tax Fairy
What are your hours?
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